Thursday, March 5, 2020

Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers Online Tutoring

Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers Online Tutoring Improper fraction: - A fraction, whose numerator is greater than or equal to its denominator, is called an improper fraction. Example: -i) 7 / 5, 25 / 12, 181 / 62 etc. (Since the numerator is greater than the denominator) ii) 3 / 3, 4 / 4, 5 / 5, etc. (Since the numerator is equal to the denominator) Note: - If in a fraction, its numerator and its denominator are equal to each other, the value of the fraction is equal to unity (i.e. 1). Mixed fraction: - A mixed fraction consists of two parts: i) Integer ii) A proper fraction. e.g. 4 2 / 3 is a mixed fraction, consisting of an integer (4) and a proper fraction (2 / 3). Converting improper fraction into mixed fraction: -Divide the numerator by the denominator. The quotient of this division is the integral part and the remainder obtained is the numerator of the required mixed fraction. Example 1: - 23 / 4 = Quotient Remainder/ denominator = 5 3 / 4 Note: - on dividing 23 by 4, quotient = 5 and remainder = 3. Similarly 37 / 8 = = Quotient Remainder / denominator= 4 5 / 8 and so on. Example 2: - Change the following improper fractions to mixed fractions: i) 100 / 7 ii) 81 / 11 Solution: -i) 100 / 7 = Quotient Remainder/ denominator = 14 2 / 7 ii) 81 / 11 = Quotient Remainder/ denominator = 7 4 / 11.

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